mArtine petrA

Art, chocolate, kidney, dance, news, candy, working out, internet, photography, food, life, love.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Breast Project Oslo

Breast Project Oslo; Mandag 22. februar i Studio: Kristian Augustsgt 11, 0164 Oslo. Rett på trikkeplass Tullinløkka!
Kontakt meg på 93 88 72 55 for drop in samme dag eller for tid! Setter opp tider for fotografering fortløpende, så kom gjerne med ønsker om tid!
Ved ønsker om personlige effekter, ta gjerne med disse så ser vi hvordan det fungerer. Noe ledig søndag 21. februar for fotografering også! Ta kontakt! Med vennlig hilsen Martine Petra
Join my Breast Project!

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Stolt tante 3

Make up by my niece Frida 2,5 years

Stolt tante 2

Stolt tante

Saturday, December 12, 2009


Friday, September 18, 2009

Twin souls and twin spirits in so many many ways. Haha.

Sunshine smiling at her aunt. Being an aunt is the best!

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Frida lærer tante å gjøre hagearbeid. Enten det, eller så mistok hun meg for å være familiehunden Bono. Det var iallefall kult å ha meg i bånd. Tantebåndtvang. Smykket mitt stjal hun og. Idag kalte hun det sitt. Mormor jobber flittig som alltid.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Norsk egg oppe til venstre og svensk egg nede til høyre. Mamma gjorde meg oppmerksom på forskjellen, men hvorfor er det slik?

Wednesday, September 9, 2009


Idag er det 32 år siden pappa og mamma giftet seg. GRATULERER!
De fikk jo 3 fantastiske barn ut av ekteskapet, og nå selv om man ikke skulle tro det var mulig så har de fått et fantastisk barnebarn. De får nyte stillheten, for neste år kommer 2 til som skal bli bestevenner med besteforeldrene sine. HURRA!!!

Mor, far, barn og svigersønn på en av favorittrestaurantene.

Pappa skulle gjerne hatt en travhest til bords for å gjøre kvelden komplett, men han får takke seg til de som er der. Maten er fantastisk, selv om ikke noe kan slå mamma sin mat.

Tøff mann, tøff bil.

Tøff kvinne på vei inn i tøff bil.

Frida spiser mye kjess

Frida gir morfar pillene sine mot at hun får kjess av morfar.

Bestevenninnene på benken

Frida er flink til å sortere klypene for mormor

Små øyeblikk av ondskap mot tante, heldigvis beholdt jeg synet på det ene øyet.

Kommende geolog utforsker bergarter.

Frida viser frem sine findings.


Smil fint til tantes kamera, ikke vond å be når hun hadde fått is først. =)

Dukken må også få litt is.

Rekene er med neste år! GRATTIS Eva & Arild!!
Verdens beste morfar og mormor!

Monday, August 31, 2009

Give it your breast!

May I see your breasts?

Focus on breasts! I am photographing breasts, but their owner stays anonymous. Even if the breasts themselves are main focus I am not against photographing upwards to the mouth or downwards towards the belly button, but a criteria is that the breasts should have 1/3 of the space in the photograph. Hair, hands, and things of other nature will be considered from person to person, what fits etc.

Both color and BW photographs will be edited to become more artistic than something taken straight out of a camera, similar to the nature of many of my photographs seen on my webpage No tacky porn, but tasteful and beautiful photographs of breasts in all sizes, colors and legal ages.

When I’ve gathered a number of photographs I will exhibit them, and there might be several exhibits further on. I’m imagening big prints of each photograph, at least 500mm (50cm) short side. At one point selected material will be gathered in a book about the project.

I will too be part of this project, and wouldn’t want to ask someone to do this without me stepping up myself, but discretion is 100%. Who the breasts belong to is solely between myself and the person being photographed, unless the owner of the breasts wishes to disclose this information themselves to another party.

This is the project, and I would greatly appreciate further recruiting if you think this sounds as beautiful as I think it does!

Martine Petra


Friday, July 3, 2009

A bit of a stretch

Sweaty, unsuspecting and ready for a good stretch.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

No sweat!

My sweater and I after working out today. It's not twotoned. Sweaty sweat sog on top and dry, clean and bright under.

Friday, May 22, 2009

The Arc de Triomphe, my mothers head, and I.

We're in a time where we see a lot of shit in the news. We experience bad things perhaps daily, and sometimes we just find ourselves in the eye of the storm and in a situation that feels devastating.
Last year I went to Paris mainly to see Madonna live for the first time at Stade de France. My mother and my little sister came with, and it became more than just a concert trip.

My mother and sister under the Eiffel Tower.

We came to Paris early after spending some time in Amsterdam even earlier. Found our hotel, and walked downtown to see some of what's worth seeing in Paris.
After a lovely downtown walk, great food, and fun posing in front of the Eiffel Tower, we took a tour bus past the Notre Dame and decided to walk from there back to our hotel. It was quite the walk. We noticed a bit up the road that we were being followed by a typical bad guy from a comic book. Whenever one of us turned around facing him, he'd turn slowly the other way and start walking, we continued our way, but the next time we looked back he was following us again. Stressfull!

We couldn't lead him to our hotel, so I went into a bar/restaurant after trying to take a picture of him with my phone, which made him walk straight towards me after trying to hide behind a street sign across the street. I tried asking the bartender for help, but since he didn't understand English that well he pointed to another man sitting by the bar. As I was explaining that we were being stalked I realized that the stalker was standing just inches away from me and the other guy, and I froze. I felt his height, his stare behind his black sunglasses, I saw his dark washed out t-shirt, leather jacket, jeans and greasy shoulder length hair combed backwards as I started fumbling with my phone. It was very threatening, and after a moment I grabbed the English speaking guy to take him outside. That's him!! He is the guy who is following us! And as I said it, our stalker was back with us, we walked back inside where my mother and sister was. A few more people gathered around the bar, realizing there was a situation. We sat down, My mother and sister by the wall, and me across the table tried to drink a coca cola from a glass without shaking.

We had asked for them to call the police, but no police in sight. The guys at the bar thought the stalker had left, but as I glanced up into the mirror above my mother and sisters head angled towards a second entrance to the bar I saw the stalker walk right in and sit down by a table there. I didn't know what to expect, did he have a gun? What was he after? In desperation I called my husband to tell him what was going on in case something happened to us. We were supposed to done with washing up after our tourist time downtown and on our way to Stade de France, but we couldn't get away from this situation. After a little while more our stalker walked out from the bar, and everyone by the bar thought he was gone after that. That is, until my sister pointed out that he was standing outside on the opposite side of the bar staring straight at us from behind a sign, only showing the top of his head.

At some point what I think must have been the owner of the bar came in, and he walked around outside a little. After kinda checking that the coast was clear, he said he would follow us to our hotel with the guy from the bar who spoke English. I didn't exactly want to go out, but we wouldn't make it to Madonna either if we didn't leave. My mother, my sister and I were escorted out towards our hotel, one guy following us, the other guy following and running back and forth a block to make sure he really wasn't there. What kindness! I was so appreciative of these people helping us only to make us feel safe. They warned us it was a bad neighbourhood, which we took to heart.

After 3 quick showers we ordered a cab and left our hotel for Stade de France and Madonna. We made it, even though we missed the opening act! The show was great and loud, and I got goosebumps, but I couldn't help but think that the whole stalker situation put a small damper on it all for me. Kinda state of shock!

Stade de France, Madonna.

Concert done! We were all hungry afterwards, and luckily found an Indian/Pakistani restaurant nearby. 12am and Indian/Pakistani dinner is a great combination, footage from the Madonna-concert we had just witnessed was on the late news, and the Indian woman who owned the restaurant was very kind. We asked if she could order us a taxi so we could get to our hotel on the other side of town, but were told that this was such a bad neighbourhood that no taxi would come up here at this hour. We just looked at each other almost in despair, would we have to walk on the streets again in the middle of the black night in these bad neighbourhoods that seemed to be everywhere and risk meeting new stalkers?

Amazingly the owner of the restaurant offered us a ride home after closing up, a middle aged posh Russian guy and his date were supposed to come with too. When Russian Male Posh said it was time, we left. The owner of the restaurant's husband drove, my mother in the passenger seat, the Russian love couple and I behind them, and my sister and the owner of the restaurant sat in the back. It was a long ride, and after driving around for a while downtown, the Russian guy suddenly remembered where he stayed and was dropped off. We managed to find our hotel more quickly, and made sure this generous woman and her just as generous husband knew how much we appreciated what they had done for us.

We woke up very early after a couple of hours sleep, took a taxi 2 blocks(didn't take any risks) to Gare du Nord to make the train to Charles de Gaulle Airport where we parted ways. Mother and sister on their way to the Netherlands and then Norway, and me on my way to Stockholm, Sweden.

Gare du Nord, just before 6 am, September 21st 2008.

To experience such scary ways of mankind, and in the midst of all despair we experienced the fantastic generosity and heartwarming kindness of people who where complete strangers to us. Thank you!

One of the heroes of Saturday September 20th 2008, English speaking guy at the bar André:

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Nothing is as personal as when I dance.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Hipp hipp hurra for Norge!

Vi flagger for Norge i Stockholm 17. mai 2009!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Between schools, between jobs and between everything in 2001 I decided to take a leave off from all of the before mentioned to enjoy life itself with myself. 2000 was emotional drama when I moved from my newly acclaimed au pair family in Wisconsin, USA and back to Norway. I dreaded the flight back for months before, and also I had a hard time dealing with separating myself from the little baby girl I took care of, she had become my best friend during my 10 month stay. I've always had a hard time letting go of people, and maybe the fact that she also depended on me so much in everyday life made it even harder. Only 2 weeks after I came back to Norway, her family came to visit and I could hardly wait to get to see her, I spotted her mother and grandmother with a stroller in town, and jumped out of the car I was in with my mother before it stopped. I remember giving her mother a quick hug before running over to the stroller to speak to her and look at her and see if she remembered me. Love has so many shapes and forms, and I was heartbroken to see them go after playing for only 1 hour. I used to always carry her on my left arm, and my body had to adjust to nothing being there for months afterwards, and it was hard teaching the body to get rid of such a strong body memory with intense emotion attached to it.
I never get used to departure or separation of any kind. Time doesn't heal a thing, we just get more used to carrying the notions of dramas in our life around.
So love had struck and I had to leave her behind. New environment, old friends seemed new, and my new friends seemed like a distant memory of something I had once dreamt and emotions swirled inside, it was unreal. Even though I had moved several times before in life, this time I was detached, and just had to try to deal with who I was and what I was here for.
I knew what I wanted, but I didn't realize it!
Still today I get aha-moments where I suddenly realize things that I have only known for so many years, there's a huge difference. Everything becomes more real, touchable and fragile. It's easy to stay detached, because you live in a sort of vacuum and don't have to deal with things the same way you do if you're engaged. But somehow we all need to come out of it, the core of who we are cannot continue to be surpressed forever.

To be continued.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Siamese twin breakfast.

About Me
